Juana Isabel Riz De La Cruz
Ref# CC0727

About Me
My name is Juana Isabel Riz De La Cruz. I'm a 22-year-old.

My birthday is
July 19, 2002.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

It is a great joy in my heart to greet you through this hoping our Lord is blessing you! My name is Juana Isabel Riz De La Cruz. I recently turned 22 years old. At the moment, I stay at home and do the housework while my mother is working. I want to tell you that my parents are separated and have no communication with each other and my father no longer sends us financial support. He is still in the United States but that is all we know. Now, my mother does her best to sustain our family; she goes to work as a domestic employee. We raise hens and cultivate corn and beans for our livelihood.

I am so happy to participate in the Christmas celebration that Living Water organized in the feeding program. I like the dynamics and the gift I receive. I am so blessed to receive medicines and food through the program, and I love to eat fried chicken there. We are members of the Prince of Peace Church; my mother and I have welcomed Jesus into our hearts. I want you to pray for my mother who each day looks for the best for our family. As for my health, let me tell you that recently I visited a doctor because I have had pain in my belly and the doctor found that I have cysts in my ovaries. Thankfully, I receive medical care in the hospital, and I am feeling much better. So, I want you pray for my health and for my family. Let me tell you that my mother gave this information to the LW staff to share news about me. With much love. May God bless you wherever you are!

Kind regards,

Juana Isabel Riz De La Cruz

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala