Lesbia Patricia Naz Jimon
Ref# CH3246

About Me
My name is Lesbia Patricia Naz Jimon. I'm a 18-year-old.

My birthday is
January 17, 2007.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello, I greet you in the name of Jesus hoping you are doing great! My name is Lesbia Patricia Naz Jimon, and my current age is 17 years old. I attend 11th grade at school; it is a training in science and arts with an orientation in education. I receive my classes on the afternoon shift. I usually help my mother with some chores, especially on weekends. My mother is a housewife who raises hens, pigs, and cows to sell, contributing to the household income. My father works as a farmer and a day laborer, also contributing to the income. Additionally, he grows corn and black beans for our consumption.

I am so grateful to you and Living Water for all the blessings I receive through the program; it means a big help to me and my family. The meal I love the most from the program is fried chicken. I enjoy the Christmas activity that the evangelism team prepares in the feeding program; I love the drama of the Nativity of Jesus. I already accepted Jesus into my heart and I attend Sovereign King Church. Two of my sisters attend another church, and I would like to you to pray for my parents because they are not attending any church. Let me tell you that my mother is feeling anxious about everything and she gets sad easily. We have not taken her to the doctor yet, but we are considering doing so if she continues in this mood. So please pray for my mother. Let me tell you I gave this information to the LW team to update you about me. For the time being that is all. May God bless you always!

Bunch of hugs,

Lesbia Patricia Naz Jimon

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala