Erisilda Torra
Ref# RD0837

About Me
My name is Erisilda Torra. I'm a 19-year-old.

My birthday is
June 24, 2005.
Attends Program


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Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! My name is Erisilda Torra. I am 19 years old and my birthday is on June 24th. I am doing well and in good health. My favorite color is red. This color symbolizes love. In my character, I am a friendly person. I do my best to love and care for my friends.  

I am off from school. I used to love studying, especially Math. Now, I am finished with studies and stay in the house.  I am spending the summer holidays at home, because my parents can’t offer for us to go anywhere else. Summers are busy for us who live in the village and there is so much work to be done in the fields. I am doing my best to help my mother by helping her clean, cook and anything else that needs to be done at home. She is at present quite busy with the vegetable garden and when she comes home, she is very tired. In my free time I meet with my friends so that we can play and fellowship. When we gather, we usually choose to play volleyball as one of our favorite games, but we also enjoy taking short walks and speaking with one another or play card games. In the village we don't have special activities for the youth.

My family and I live in lower Rodokal. My house offers appropriated living conditions for us. I have six persons in my family. I have my mother, father as well as a brother. My brother is younger and he is still going to school. My grandfather and grandmother live with our family. They are both retired and receive each a small village pension. My father is jobless. We have got land in the village that we own and he is working together with my mother. They have planted wheat, alfalfa, corn as well as a vegetable garden. In July they harvested the wheat and this way, my parents have provided flour. My mother and grandmother bake the bread at home for us. My grandfather feeds the cow during the day. We benefit a few liters of milk to consume as well as other milk-products such as cheese, butter and yogurt. My father sells a calf every year and with the income he buys what is needed the most in our family. My mother has provided for us vegetables from the garden such as tomatoes, peppers, beans, etc. We have also got a few fruit trees in our lands and gardens. We have apples, plums, nuts, etc. My parents collect the fruits and my mother and grandmother make jam or juice from the fruits so that we can consume these products during the winter. My father has also piled up the alfalfa, making sure that our cow has food during the winter, when it is being feed inside the stable. We live in a remote area. The infrastructure is bad and the roads are dusty and during the fall time they are filled with lots of mud. Same as every family who lives in Rodokal, mine is challenged in every way and we face poverty and live with very low income. I am very thankful to the sponsorship program for the help I benefit from there spiritually and physically. My friends and I frequent the Bible classes and after the classes we gather to play. We enjoyed our time this year at the summer camp that was organized in our church for a week. We receive food packages containing sugar, rice, oil, pasta, etc. Every Saturday, my friends and I have the opportunity to frequent the church services to pray to the Lord and thank Him for his provision.

Edited by Carrie Gipson

Missionary, Adopt a Child Albania