Eliseo Santos Coj Gonzalez
Ref# TU2609

About Me
My name is Eliseo Santos Coj Gonzalez. I'm a 14-year-old.

My birthday is
January 6, 2011.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

This is Eliseo Santos Coj Gonzalez, and I am so happy to write this letter to share a little about my life with you. How are you doing? I hope you are having a lovely day alongside your loved ones. By the grace of God, I am in good health, and I am 13 years old. I am in seventh grade this year. I do homework in the morning and attend school in the afternoon. When I have so much homework, I like taking advantage of weekends to do it. I am glad and grateful to LW-Adopt A Child for blessing me with medicine and food. My favorite food in the feeding program is fried chicken. Helping the staff as a volunteer at the feeding program catches my attention so much. It would be an engaging experience. Let me tell you that I had fun celebrating Christmas at the feeding program. What I enjoyed the most was the gift.

Now, I beg you to pray for my mom. Unfortunately, she suffers from severe anemia. She had to spend three days at the hospital due to her condition. Fortunately, she is getting better thanks to the treatment that she takes. She sells fruits and granizadas (that is a traditional dessert made of shaved ice with even salty flavors) in the market and outside the feeding program. She does her best to help at home with her income. My father works as a farmer to support our family economically. He also carries people or packages in his tuk-tuk to earn extra money. Almost my whole family and I attend Liberty Church in Tunaja. My mom accepted Jesus as her Savior many years ago. As for my father, let me tell you that he also did it many years ago. However, he does not attend church with us. Therefore, a teacher of the LW evangelism team shared the gospel with him as an encouragement to seek the Lord again. So, please pray for him. As for pets, let me tell you that we have a few goats and one hen at home. I will leave you now, but I hope you have a blessed day!

With much love,

Eliseo Santos Coj Gonzalez

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua