Neydi Fabiola Calachij Garcia
Ref# ZA4161

About Me
My name is Neydi Fabiola Calachij Garcia. I'm a 12-year-old.

My birthday is
July 14, 2012.
Attends Program


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Sponsorship Type


My Story

I greet you with much love hoping you are doing well wherever you are. I am Neydi Fabiola, and I am taking this opportunity to write you about my life. I come from a humble family whose greatest needs are groceries and corn. My father works as a farmer and day laborer. His name is Jose, and he is 51 years old. My mother works hard at home. Her name is Dominga, and she is 50 years old. They both are in good health. We all are members of a church, and we attend the services on Saturday. We trust in God, and we are assured of our salvation. We raise hens and turkeys, and we also grow corn; all this is for our consumption.

I am fine, and I am 11 years old. I am in 5th grade, and I learn more in face-to-face classes. Everything is expensive, so it has been difficult for my parents to support me with my studies. I want to become a secretary when I am older. I love drinking “Mosh” (hot drink made from oats and milk), and I prefer soccer among the sports. I enjoy eating cake when it is my birthday. My favorite season is winter because everything turns green. I would like to learn English someday. Living Water has supported me in different areas, and I am grateful for that. I pray God blesses you in a big way. Take care!

All the best

Neydi Fabiola Calachij Garcia

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio/A-A-C Secretary, Antigua Guatemala