Sherlyn Alessandra Samayoa Gonzalez
Ref# NE2174

About Me
My name is Sherlyn Alessandra Samayoa Gonzalez. I'm a 12-year-old.

My birthday is
August 28, 2011.
Attends Program

Nueva Esperanza

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! My full name is Sherlyn Alessandra Samayoa Gonzalez, and I am glad to share a little bit of my life with you through this letter. Before starting, I want you to know that my oldest brother helped me to write this for you. I am a healthy 12-year-old girl. As a fifth grade student, I attend school in the morning. I love going to the field together with my brother. So, we usually spend time there on weekends. My favorite food is beans with rice. By the grace of God, my family is in good health. My father is a messenger, and my mom is a cook. They work hard to support our needs and expenses. I attend Adulam Christian Church together with my grandmother. I received the Lord in my heart some years ago.

My mom trusts in God. Unfortunately, she cannot attend church frequently because of work. She accepted Jesus three years ago. About my father, let me tell you that he also believes in the Lord. However, he is not interested in attending church, so I would love to count on your prayers for him. I also ask you to pray so my family and I live in harmony and good health. In advance, thank you so much! I am so delighted and grateful to LW for blessing me in different ways. A teacher of evangelism team LW staff shared the gospel with my brother. It was a great blessing for him. He recognizes that God has always been good to us and trusts in him. I enjoy celebrating Christmas at LW every year. I love to listen to the story about Jesus’ birth. Thank you so much for taking the time to read it! I wish all the best for your loved ones and you. See you later!

Kisses and hugs,

Sherlyn Alessandra Samayoa Gonzalez

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala