Marllori Rachel Ruano Ochoa
Ref# NE2201

About Me
My name is Marllori Rachel Ruano Ochoa. I'm a 13-year-old.

My birthday is
January 25, 2012.
Attends Program

Nueva Esperanza

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

I am glad to write this letter to tell you about my life. My full name is Marllori Rachel Ruano Ochoa, and I am 12 years old. I am keeping well even though I suffer from a hernia. The LW clinics referred me to a public hospital because I need to undergo surgery. Therefore, I ask you to pray for me. I attend school as a sixth-grade student in the afternoon. I am studying a computer course twice a week in the morning. My favorite food is mashed potato and sausages. I like going to play on the field on weekends. As for my family, let me tell you that everybody is in good health. My father makes a living as a food delivery person. He does not support me financially. However, he sometimes takes me to have dinner at his home. I live with my mom and her new partner. The one who covers all the expenses and needs is my stepfather. He makes a living as an Uber driver while my mom watches over me at home.

I ask you to pray for the Lord to take control of my family and for provision. In advance, thank you so much! My family and I are members of New Hope Christian Church. Thankfully, my mom and I accepted Jesus as our Savior some years ago. We are grateful to the LW staff for encouraging us to grow spiritually. Being part of Adopt a Child-LW has been a great blessing. I have medical and dental care. They also blessed my family with food parcels during the pandemic. I like receiving a Christmas gift at the feeding program annually, but I love listening to the love message the staff shares with many children like me. I like working with children, so it would be fantastic to serve as a volunteer at LW. To end this letter, my mom and I hope that God multiplies many blessings by one hundred percent to all the staff and all the good people who support this project.

In the name of Jesus,

Marllori Rachel Ruano Ochoa

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala