Hello, it is my pleasure to greet you in this opportunity hoping our Lord is blessing you! This is Edwin Leonel Jimon Simaj. My current age is 11 years old. At school, I am repeating 2nd grade again and my classes are on the morning shift. After classes, I help my mother with some chores. On weekends, I like to play with my sisters. Let me tell you that my father now has another partner and he does not support us in anything. The saddest thing about this situation is that he comes home just to bother us, and my mother, sister and I feel uncomfortable with this. Please, pray for us so that my father goes away from us and we live quietly.
My mother struggles every day to provide for our needs; she sells “Atol quebrantado” (it is a hot drink made of corn) and she goes to the streets and offers it to the people. Moreover, she raises chicken and ducks to sell and some for our food. My mother is sick with gastritis and fortunately, she takes medicines for it. I love to receive a gift in the feeding program every Christmas. I thank God for all the blessings I receive through Living Water. The food means a great help and my favorites are fried chicken and chow Mein. We are members of the Prince of Peace Church; my mother already has Jesus in her heart. This time an evangelism teacher encouraged us to continue seeking God and not allow the problems to separate us from his love, and we appreciate the kind words. Let me tell you that my mother gave this information to the LW staff to share news about me. Thank you for your love and support toward me through LW. I pray to our almighty God and ask for many blessing over you!
Lots of hugs,
Edwin Leonel Jimon Simaj
Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala