Evelyn Felipa Hernandez Garcia
Ref# ZA4455

About Me
My name is Evelyn Felipa Hernandez Garcia. I'm a 10-year-old.

My birthday is
August 17, 2013.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

It is a wonderful day to say hello to you through this and I hope you are doing great alongside your loving family! My name is Evelyn Felipa Hernandez Garcia. I will turn 11 years old in August of this year. I am in 4th grade at school and I receive my classes on the morning shift. I like to help my mother with the housework after I finish my homework. My mother is a housewife and weaves typical belts for selling. We raise hens for our food. My father works hard as a day laborer to supply the family needs; he works in our community.

I am so happy to celebrate Christmas in the feeding program because I receive a gift, and it makes me so happy. My family and I thank God for blessing me through Living Water, so we pray to our Lord to bless each one who contributes so I can receive this help. I love all the food I receive in the program, and fried chicken is the best one. We are quite well, nevertheless, I want to ask you to keep us in your prayers. We are members of the Prince of Peace Church; my parents accepted Jesus into their hearts. We are grateful for the encouraging words given to us by the evangelism teacher. Finally, let me tell you that my mother gave this information to the LW team to update you about me. Sending much love. Every blessing for you!

Best wishes,

Evelyn Felipa Hernandez Garcia

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala