Gerson Alex de la Cruz Pu
Ref# PA1953

About Me
My name is Gerson Alex de la Cruz Pu. I'm a 9-year-old.

My birthday is
February 5, 2015.
Attends Program


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My Story

Hello! I greet you excitedly, hoping you are having a fantastic day. I am Gerson, and this is my update. My family and I still attend Liberty Church; we usually do it every Tuesday. We are grateful to LW because my siblings and I accepted the Almighty as our Savior. Undoubtedly, this has been the best thing that has happened to us. Andres De La Cruz is my father, and he is 35 years old. He has lived and worked in the United States for about one year. He makes a living on a farm by looking after cows to support our family. Fortunately, his health is good. My mother, Olivia Pu, is 32 years old. She dedicates her time to doing the chores and taking care of my younger siblings and me. She is also healthy, fortunately. My family is enormous, so we have had trouble buying food supplies like corn, cereal, and beans. Therefore, we do our best at home; we grow corn, plumb, peaches, and chayote for our consumption. We also have a few chickens, turkeys, one goat, and one dog.

I am eight years old, and by God’s grace, I am healthy. I am in first grade. This is my first year at school, so I am doing my best to adapt myself to my new routine step by step. One of my dreams is to learn how to ride a motorcycle, so I hope to accomplish it soon. My native language is the Quiche dialect, but I also want to learn how to speak Spanish. Christmas is my favorite holiday because of vacation. Besides that, I have fun burning firecrackers. I love celebrating birthdays, especially if it is mine. What I love the most is having a tasty cake to celebrate with my family. My favorite drinks are Coca-Cola and Pepsi, and I love soccer. This is all for now, but I appreciate you taking the time to read my news. I say goodbye to you for now, but I wish you the best.

With many blessings,

Gerson Alex de la Cruz Pu

Translated by: Hillary Popol / AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala