Jasson Jefferson Hernandez Hernandez
Ref# ZA4584

About Me
My name is Jasson Jefferson Hernandez Hernandez. I'm a 12-year-old.

My birthday is
June 8, 2012.
Attends Program


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Sponsorship Type


My Story

It is a wonderful day to say hello to you and I hope you are fine alongside your lovely family! Praise the Lord my family and I attend Prince of Peace Church; we go on Mondays and Thursdays. We trust our salvation in God. I am doing well and enjoying good health. I want to ask for your prayers for my mother’s health. She has polycystic ovaries, and fortunately, she is under medical treatment and is getting better little by little. My mother is Guadalupe Hernandez Toj, and she is 31 years old. She usually does the housework and raises hens and turkeys to sell and get some income. My father is Lorenzo Hernandez Buchan, and he is 34 years old. He works in a tile factory making bricks, and he sometimes works as a construction helper to supply the home expenses. We harvest corn and black beans for our consumption.

I am Jasson Jefferson Hernandez Hernandez, and I am an 11-year-old boy. I was repeating first grade this year; I liked to receive classes at school because my learning improved even though my comprehension was not good. Nowadays, school supplies are so expensive, and my parents were struggling to buy what I needed for school. Sometimes, they did not have enough resources. The English language catches my attention, and I would like to learn how to speak it. I would like to learn how to make bricks like my father does because I think it is interesting. I like natural juices, and my favorite is pineapple flavor. Playing football is so much fun; it is my favorite sport. What I like at Christmas are the firecrackers and gifts; I receive one gift in the feeding program, and it makes me so happy. At home, we do not celebrate our birthdays because of limited resources. I am so thankful to Living Water for blessing me with food, and medical care in the clinics; it is so useful for me and a savings for my family. We are in need of groceries, corn and clothes. Well, I leave you for now. May God bless you wherever you are!

Lots of love,

Jasson Jefferson Hernandez Hernandez

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala