Brayan Jafet Esquit Gonzalez
Ref# DU2312

About Me
My name is Brayan Jafet Esquit Gonzalez. I'm a 12-year-old.

My birthday is
July 14, 2012.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! My name is Brayan Jafet Esquit Gonzalez, and I am glad to tell you a bit about my life. I am 12 years old and attend school in the morning. I am a sixth grader. I usually take advantage of weekends to play soccer. As for health, let me tell you that my whole family and I are doing well. We have a lovely cat as a pet. My father traveled to the United States about four months ago. He works hard as a baker to support our family. We usually talk by phone with him every two days. Taking advantage of this, I would love to count on your prayers for him. My mom also works to help with her income at home. She runs a modest second-hand clothes store.

We have not attended church or accepted Jesus. However, we are grateful to LW because they have encouraged us to seek God. A teacher from the evangelism team shared the gospel with my older sister Claren. That happened when he collected this information for you. This project has blessed us plenty with food, medical and dental care. I love having fried chicken at the feeding program. I like Christmas parties because it is fantastic to receive gifts and watch the dramas that the LW staff organizes. The staff does a great job at the feeding program, so I would like to serve with them someday. I say goodbye to you for now, but I appreciate you for taking the time to read my letter.

Lots of love,

Brayan Jafet Esquit Gonzalez

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala