I greet you in the name of Jesus hoping you are doing great alongside your lovely family! I am Madelyn Noemi Quexel Monroy. This year I started to attend school and I am in kindergarten; I receive classes on the morning shift. My father works at a plant nursery in our village and is the one who provides for our needs. My mother is a housemaid and takes care of my siblings and me. Two of my sisters suffer from spina bifida, a condition they have had since birth. This makes it difficult for them to walk, but due to our family's limited resources, they have not been able to see a doctor. Currently, they receive vitamins from the LW clinics, which is a great help for my sisters. Because of that, please pray for my sisters’ health. At home, we have two chicks, a cat and a dog.
I love to participate in the Christmas activity in the feeding program because I receive a Christmas gift. My favorite meal in the feeding program is “Pepian” (a typical food). I love it. I am so blessed to be registered in the Living Water program; I receive food and medical care which means a great help for me and my family. My family and I attend Liberty Church from LW, and my parents have welcomed Jesus into our hearts. This time we received encouraging words from an evangelism team to continue seeking God. I want to ask for your prayers for my family, for our health and daily provision. Finally, let me tell you that my mother gave this information to the LW team to update you about me. I hope to receive news from you very soon. May God bless you wherever you go!
Kisses and hugs,
Madelyn Noemi Quexel Monroy
Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala