Monica Esmeralda Garcia Benito
Ref# CH4521

About Me
My name is Monica Esmeralda Garcia Benito. I'm a 10-year-old.

My birthday is
January 24, 2015.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello, my name is Monica Esmeralda Garcia Benito. I am 9 years old, and I am in 2nd grade this year. I go to school in the mornings, and after school, I go home to help with the chores and housework. I also love going to the feeding program each week. They always serve us a delicious meal. My favorite meal is the fried chicken. Living Water has been a hug blessing to me and my family through the medicines as well. At the end of the year, we have a Christmas celebration. My favorite part is when we receive our wonderful gift. It is very special. Thank God, my family is doing well. My mother’s name is Rogelia Garcia Benito. She is a seamstress, and she works very hard to support my family. My father is not present in my life, so my mother is the one who sustains us economically. She also raises chickens and turkeys, and we grow corn and beans at home. We keep and eat part of it, and the other part we sell to make some extra money. I go to Rock of Salvation Methodist Church with my family. My mother is a very strong believer, thank God. I say goodbye now, but I hope you enjoyed reading about me today. Thank you for taking the time to read my information. I hope you will keep my family and I in your prayers. I send you much love and many hugs.

God bless you,

Monica Esmeralda Garcia Benita

Translated by: Olivia Gallardo / Missionary Internship - Guatemala