Gloria Hermelinda Toj Chingo
Ref# CA1797

About Me
My name is Gloria Hermelinda Toj Chingo. I'm a 13-year-old.

My birthday is
January 30, 2012.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

I fondly greet you, hoping you are having a lot of success in everything you do. My full name is Gloria Hermelinda Toj Chingo, and I want to share a little about my life with you. I am a healthy 12-year-old girl. I am in third grade and attend school on the morning shift. I want you to know that my siblings and I are glad to be part of LW-Adopt A Child. Having warm and delicious food for free at the feeding program is a blessing. The food that I enjoy the most is fried chicken. Besides that, I want you to know that I enjoy celebrating Christmas at the project because the staff organizes engaging games and gives nice gifts. May the Lord continue blessing this project! 

Now, let me tell you a little about my family. Fortunately, there is nobody sick at home. My mom is a housewife and my stepfather works as a farmer and day laborer to support our family economically. He also grows corn for our consumption. However, my family and I are worried about him because he has problems with alcohol. Therefore, I beg you to pray for him. On weekends, I have a lot of fun playing with my siblings while we shepherd our goats. My mom taught us how to take care of our domestic animals. We use the income from the sale of these animals to cover some expenses and needs. Please pray for prosperity for my family. We do not attend any church, but I hope we can do it soon. My mom and I listened to the gospel recently, thanks to a teacher of the LW evangelism team. The teacher also encouraged us to seek the Lord's involvement. Her words were a big blessing for us. I will leave you now, but I thank you so much for taking the time to read my information.  

Special regards,  

Gloria Hermelinda Toj Chingo 

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua