Josselin Roxana De la Cruz Garcia
Ref# TU3141

About Me
My name is Josselin Roxana De la Cruz Garcia. I'm a 13-year-old.

My birthday is
February 17, 2012.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! My name is Josselin Roxana De la Cruz Garcia. I am 12 years old now. I am healthy and so is my family. This year I am repeating 3rd grade and I receive my classes on the morning shift. I usually help my mother to make our tortillas and sweep the floor on weekends. My mother works hard to supply our needs; she collects and sells firewood, goes to wash clothes for other people and she goes to fertilize corn plantation to get more income. She also raises hens to sell. We grow corn and the harvest helps us to save some money because we have corn to make our tortillas for a time. My mother feels discouraged when she does not find a job because she has to supply our needs. My father is not living us a time ago and he only provides some corn for us.

I am very thankful to God for allowing me to be part of the feeding program and receive food and medical care through the program. I love to participate in the Christmas celebration that Living Water prepare for children in the program. My favorite food is fried chicken. Now, we are attending Full Gospel Church and we trust our salvation in Jesus. We appreciate the kind words that an evangelism teacher gave us to continue seeking God. I would like you to pray for my family, especially for my mother so she gets a job to provide for our expenses. Well, this is all for now. May God bless you wherever you go!

Hugs and kisses,

Josselin Roxana De la Cruz Garcia

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala