Alex Adolfo Chingo Pastor
Ref# CA1944

About Me
My name is Alex Adolfo Chingo Pastor. I'm a 12-year-old.

My birthday is
January 18, 2013.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

I am so glad to introduce myself to you through this letter. My name is Alex Adolfo Chingo Pastor, and I am 11 years old. I am in fifth grade and receive classes in the morning. On weekends, I do homework and carry firewood to my house. I live with my mom and oldest sister. The one who supports our expenses is my father. He traveled to the United States some months ago. He works hard to send us financial support every month. My mom also works at home by weaving traditional belts for women and raising domestic animals. She contributes at home with her income. We have some cows and hens at home. We also grow corn for our consumption. Thankfully, we are all in good health.

I have attended Assembly of God Church since I was a baby. My mom has the privilege to serve at our church. She accepted Jesus there alongside my father 15 years ago. I already accepted Jesus, and I am glad for it. LW has also helped me grow spiritually because the evangelism team shares the gospel with many children like me. Being part of this project is a blessing because I can receive food and medicines. I love eating hamburger patties at the feeding program. I like celebrating Christmas there because I have always received a gift. To end this letter, I want you to know that my mom and I gave all this information to a teacher of LW to share it with you. Thank you so much for reading my information. May God bless you!

In the name of Jesus,

Alex Adolfo Chingo Pastor

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala