Mimoza Mece
Ref# WPP0022

About Me
My name is Mimoza Mece. I'm a 47-year-old.

My birthday is
April 30, 1977.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type

Persons In Need

My Story

Hello! My name is Mimoza Meçe. I am 47 years old and my birthday is on April 30th. I was born in Proptisht. My husband is alive. Speaking about my health, I am invalid. I live in an old house in the village of Proptisht. There are three people in my family. I take care of my family and do the housework like cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, etc. I have always worked as a housewife to take care of my family. I don’t get any retirement payment yet. My husband emigrates to Greece and lives there 3 to 6 months in the year. He works in farming. The money he earns there is not much but a big help for our family here in Albania. I plant a vegetable garden and we have onions, beans, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. for our own consumption. The vegetables we don’t eat fresh I preserve for the winter in jars. We have two goats, so we have milk and cheese for our own consumption. I don’t sell anything. I visit the church meetings in the church in Proptisht and attend the ladies meeting.

The Living Water Adopt a Child team is doing various meetings during the week in Proptisht, on Monday and on Wednesday. There we have rented a room.  On Wednesdays we have a church service, and the children gather in Bible classes and when the Bible classes are completed, the team goes to visit homes and spread the good news whenever they are invited. On Mondays, there is a ladies meeting taking place in Proptisht. The meeting is held in a private home. Another ladies meeting and a men's meeting are taking place in the room we have rented. We are thankful to receive a food package containing ingredients that are cooked at home. The package contains food items as sugar, rice, oil, pasta, etc, items that can be cooked and can cover ten to twelve meals for the whole family. Thank you for helping the people in need and through them the whole community spiritually and physically.

Edited by Carrie Gipson

Missionary, Adopt A Child Albania