Cristian Breiky Tiniguar Chitic
Ref# CH4738

About Me
My name is Cristian Breiky Tiniguar Chitic. I'm a 6-year-old.

My birthday is
September 4, 2018.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Chixocol, where your child lives, is a very small village nestled in a mountain valley in the state of Quiche, Guatemala. Life in this state is very difficult and somewhat isolated from the outside world. Most families live in one-room adobe houses with dirt floors and a small attached kitchen. The extremely poor live in houses made of corn stalks. In the past few years electricity and water have become available to most people in the area - however, indoor plumbing is very rare. Most of the families are farmers or shepherds and live off the fruits of their labors. Public education is available for those who can afford it and consider it of value.  Life in Quiche is always a challenge.

 Hello! My name is Cristian Breiky Tiniguar Chitic and I am delighted to introduce myself to you through this letter. I am 6 years old, and I was born on September 4, 2018. I am in kindergarten, and I love playing soccer. My favorite animal is the dog, and I actually have one. About meals, let me tell you I love fried chicken. As for health, let me tell you that by the grace of God we are good. My father´s name is Juan Tiniguar Panjoj. He works as a farmer. For the half of the year, he goes to the coast to cut cane and then he comes back home. He travels again to the coast at the end of the year to cut coffee for the harvest. My mother´s name is Natalia Chitic Tum. She is a housewife and raise some hens to sell. She helps to cover some expenses with the money that she earns. I have eleven brothers and two sisters. We attend Sovereign King Church. The house in which we live is owned by my father. This house has four rooms and a separate kitchen. It is made of adobe walls, tin sheet and tile roof, and dirt floor. Thank God we have running water and electricity. Mi father pays for the electricity and the water. We raise some pigs. We are a family with many members and many needs, and some of them are corn, groceries and school supplies. The house is located twenty minutes away from the feeding program and I get there in a tuk-tuk. May God bless you! 



Cristian Breiky Tiniguar Chitic 

Translated by: Magnolia De Torres / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala