Karina Isabel Garcia Cux
Ref# CH3463

About Me
My name is Karina Isabel Garcia Cux. I'm a 15-year-old.

My birthday is
July 13, 2009.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hi! It is a pleasure to greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus and wish you a brilliant day alongside your lovely family. First of all, my family and I are grateful to Living Water because I receive medical and dental attention in the LW´s clinics. In addition, I have a meal and spiritual support at the Feeding Program. I want to let you know that we are attending the Catholic Church twice a week. Thank you to the LW evangelism team for their encouraging words to my father during the visit. So, as a family, we are sure of our salvation. My mother´s name is Estela Cux Ruiz. She is 37 years old. She does chores at home and takes care of the family. My father`s name is Gregorio Garcia Tum.  He is 43 years old. He continues to earn a living by working as a tuc-tuc driver (a motorcycle taxi) in order to support us economically. We have turkeys and hens at home for our family consumption. As a humble family, our current needs are groceries. Thank God, my family and I are in good health.

My name is Karina Isabel Garcia Cux and I am 14 years old. This year I was in 7th grade at school. I received face-to-face classes every day and I learned a lot with this study method. Thank God, my father made the effort to support me at school despite the school fees being so expensive. Sometimes, it was very difficult to cover every expense. My dream is to become a lawyer. My native language is the Quiche Mayan dialect, so I would like to learn English; I think this is a very interesting language. Pepsi-Cola and coffee are my favorite beverages. Christmas is my favorite season of the year because I like to go out to the “Posadas” (it is a small procession that represents when Joseph and Mary were looking for a place where Jesus could be born). I do not celebrate my birthday due to a lack of financial resources, but I would like to do that someday. Among sports, I prefer soccer. Thank you for the Christmas gift that I receive through Living Water Adopt-A-Child every December. I hope you like to read my letter. May God bless you greatly!

Lots of love,

Karina Isabel Garcia Cux

Translated by:  Gladys Chavez/ A-A-C Secretary