Gregoria Renata Garcia Morente
Ref# CH4226

About Me
My name is Gregoria Renata Garcia Morente. I'm a 10-year-old.

My birthday is
February 7, 2015.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello, I hope my letter finds you doing great and that our Lord is taking care of you! My name is Gregoria Renata Garcia Morente. I am 9 years old. At school, I am repeating 1st grade again and I take my classes in the morning. I usually help my mother with some chores at home. Unfortunately, my father abandoned us and we do know nothing about him. My mother sells Herbalife products three days weekly to get income and provide for our needs. Moreover, she raises hens to get more money. Even though she does her best is hard for her to supply our needs because does not have much income.

We are members of the Prince of Peace Church; my mother has Jesus in her heart. This time a member of the LW staff encouraged us to continue seeking God. I want you to include my family in your prayers for our well-being and daily provision. I thank God for the food and medicines I receive through Living Water; it is a great blessing and help for my family and me. My favorite food from the program is burger patties. I get so excited when Christmas comes because I receive a special meal and a gift at the program. Let me tell you that my mother gave this information to the LW staff to share news about me. Well, this is all for now. Many and abundant blessings over you!

Bunch of hugs,

Gregoria Renata Garcia Morente

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala