Liliana Claribel Ordonez Ordonez
Ref# DU0428

About Me
My name is Liliana Claribel Ordonez Ordonez. I'm a 25-year-old.

My birthday is
January 18, 1999.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! My full name is Liliana Claribel Ordonez Ordonez, and I am writing this letter to share my news with you. I am a healthy 25-year-old girl. I work as a domestic employee in Antigua Guatemala Guatemala. I spend good moments with my family on weekends. My father is a farmer. One of my uncles loaned his land to my father. He grows different products like avocadoes there. He is in good health. My mom keeps busy doing the household chores. She is under medical treatment because she suffers from high blood pressure. I would love to count on your prayers for the well-being of my family. Thank you so much in advance! As for pets, let me tell you that we have two cute cats. We have attended Jesus the Light of the World Church. We already accepted Jesus as our Savior. I am glad and grateful to LW for encouraging me to continue seeking God. Besides this blessing, I have received delicious food and medicines for free. My favorite food at the feeding program is pepian (typical Guatemalan casserole). This project has always given me a Christmas gift in December. That is only possible thanks to your donation. May the Lord reward you for everything! I say goodbye to you now, but I want you to know that my cousin Evelyn and I gave all this information to a member of the LW staff. See you later!

Cordiality yours,

Liliana Claribel Ordonez Ordonez

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala