Hello! It is a beautiful day to greet you cordially hoping you are doing fine. I want to tell you a little about my family and me through this little letter. About me: I am Ana Lorenzo Ramos and I am 14 years old. I am a healthy girl. I continue shepherding the sheep every day and I help my mother with chores at home on weekends. I accepted Jesus in my heart 1 year ago. LW has blessed my family and my life through the delicious meals for lunch like the “hilachas” (a typical dish) that I love eating and medicines through the medical clinic. In the future, I want to become a volunteer for the Ministry because I like to serve others. I enjoyed receiving the special gift during the Christmas celebration at the Feeding Center in December. My family is grateful for every benefit that I have received from the Ministry.
About my family: My mother`s name is Juana Lorenzo Ramos. She lives with us and takes care of the family. She is a healthy woman. She accepted Jesus in her heart ten years ago. Moreover, she continues raising hens to sell and get some income. In addition, she sells the corn, peaches and apples that my stepfather grows. My stepfather`s name is Jacinto De la Cruz. He lives with the family. He is in good health. He accepted Jesus in his heart 8 years ago. Currently, he continues working as a day laborer with our neighbors. Moreover, he goes to sell peaches during the harvest season in order to support us financially. As a family, we are attending the Catholic Church. I ask for health for my parents. The LW team encouraged me to continue seeking God during the visit. May God bless you richly! I love you so much! (I provided this information to the Evangelism teacher)
Huge hugs,
Ana Lorenzo Ramos
Translated by: Gladys Chavez/ A-A-C Secretary