Anderson Elizandro Grave Morente
Ref# TU3019

About Me
My name is Anderson Elizandro Grave Morente. I'm a 13-year-old.

My birthday is
November 19, 2010.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Many greetings and hugs to you! This is Anderson Elizandro Grave Morente, your friend. How are you doing? I hope you are doing well wherever you are. Fortunately, I am in good health. I am 13 years old, and my next birthday will be in November. I am glad to tell you that I am in seventh grade this year. I attend school in the afternoon, so I take advantage in the morning to do homework. I love weekends because I can spend time with my family. I am under the care of my maternal grandfather because my mom traveled to the United States recently. I am so happy because she is doing well. She told me that she works in the field to help us economically. My grandfather is an older man but also healthy. He grows corn and takes care of his cows. Besides my grandfather, I live with my older brother and uncle. We sometimes prepare our meals or buy our meals in the main town.

We do not attend any church at the moment. Therefore, the LW evangelism team shared the gospel with me as an encouragement to do it soon. I am so glad and grateful to be part of this project because of all the blessings that I have received. For instance, I can have delicious lunches at the feeding program. My favorite food is eggs with black beans. I have celebrated Christmas at LW for a few years. My favorite part of the activity has been singing Christmas songs. I would like to be a volunteer at the feeding program because it might be an engaging experience. I say goodbye to you now, but I hope to hear from you soon. Take care of yourself!

Special regards,

Anderson Elizandro Grave Morente

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua