Nueva Esperanza
Hello! Padrinos, how are you? I send you hugs hoping you and yours are doing well. I hope you enjoy reading my updated 2024 information because I want to share with you some news about my family and me through this. First of all, I want to let you know that my family and I are grateful for every benefit that I receive from LW Ministries. Thank you for your support and love. You are a gift from God in my life!
As you know, as a family we are not attending any church. The LW teacher shared the gospel with me during the visit. My mother`s name is Blanca Mijangos. She lives with us and she sells cakes and some other products in order to provide for our financial needs. Unfortunately, she suffers from diabetes, but she visited the doctor and is taking medicines. She accepted Jesus in her heart many years ago. I want to tell you that my father is not supporting us financially. My mother is the only one that works hard to cover our home expenses. I would like to ask for your prayers for my mother`s health and provision for our family.
I am Sheridan Camila Yuleymi Pena Mijangos and I am 15 years old. I am a healthy girl. I studied the 8th grade at school this year and I attended in the afternoon. I spend my weekend watching movies. I have a dog, two cats and one rooster as my pets at home. My favorite meal is beef patties. I accepted Jesus in my heart when I was 7 years old. I would like to be a volunteer for the Ministries in the future. I want to let you know that LW Ministries has blessed my family and my life with grocery bags during the time we needed them most. I enjoyed receiving the special gift during the Christmas celebration in the Feeding Center. Thank you for sponsoring me and I send you all my love from the bottom of my heart! (I provided this information to the Evangelism teacher)
Lots of love,
Sheridan Camila Pena Mijangos
Translated by: Gladys Chavez/ A-A-C Secretary